Cats of the Clans Wiki

A pretty two-story house with a single lawyer- Sara Hanes. Lily and Diamond live here, and mostly fend for themselves.


Lily- *yawns and lays down*

Lizzy- *pads to the steps and spots a bowl of tuna and milk and eats hungrily, unknowing that the bowl says "Lily" on it.*

Winter: -creeps over and eats out of a bowl that says, "Diamond"-

Lizzy- *is thin, but full* That was delicious!

Lizzy- Uh Winter? I don't think these bowls are for us.... *looks at the letters on the bowls thoughtfully*

Diamond- Winter, uh, why are you eating my food?

Lily- *chuckles*

Lizzy- *purrs in amusement* Sorry guys! I didn't know. I can catch you some food if you like.

Winter: -nods- Yeah, have you guys ever tasted mouse?

Diamond- *Brightens up* Oh, yes! I love it!

Lily- Oh, how completely vulgar!

Winter: -runs outside and returns several minutes later, a plump mouse dangling from her jaws- Here, this is for us eating your food. -drops it at Diamond's paws-

Lizzy: *nods* They're DELICIOUS! I suggest you try it! *grooms her matted, dirty fur*

Diamond- *purrs* Thanks, Winter!

Lily- Oh, how disgusting!

Diamond- You're such a prissy kitty, Lily.

Lily- Well excuse me for having class!

Lizzy: *licks her lips* You can't have class if you want to survive

Winter: -stares at Diamond- I can't believe you're a kittypet!

Diamond- *purrs* I can't either.

Lily- She barely spends time at the house anymore. She might as well be one of those forest savages!

Diamond- Oh, brother.

Winter: -eyes glow- You could come live with Lizzy and me! Or one of the Clans! I know the ThunderClan leader, and she'd welcome a cat like you!

Lizzy: Yeah! We could use some extra paws. Winter, I'm thinking about moving somewhere else. The pickup truck is about to fall apart, and the hunting's no good around there. Diamond, being a loner is great! The freedom, the excitement, and no more being taken to the Cutter!

Winter: -facing Lizzy- What about that old badger set? It hasn't been used in moons; there's not even any badger scent. There would be plenty of room for three cats. -turns to Diamond- What do you think?

Lizzy: *eyes light up* Yes! That badger set (a cave surrounded by thorn bushes and brambles and well hidden in the forest) is very sturdy.

Lily- Diamond, you aren't actually going to consider-

Diamond- Okay, I'll join you!

Lizzy: *purrs* brilliant! Welcome to the life of a loner. Winter, mind showing her how to hunt? I need to catch up on sleep. *curls up under porch*
